
[ TANGCHEN Medallists ]
TANGCHEN Medallists



Deng Junwen

the 1st TANG CHEN Medallist, Majoring in Multi-Disciplinary Engineering (Ecole Centrale de Lille)

“Charity Ambassador” honored by Youth Volunteers Association of 

the First Prize Scholarship

the champion of women`s singles in tennis competition of SWJTU

the 2nd of women`s triathlon in sports meeting of SWJTU

 the champion of women`s 4*100 relay race in sports meeting of SWJTU
"the excellent player" of the 14th Chinese University Basketball Association



Liang Chunming

the 1st TANG CHEN Medallist, Majoring in Civil Engineering

the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU, the Excellent League Member of SWJTU

 the National Scholarship for Encouragement, the First Prize Scholarship

the Meritorious Prize in the Mathematic Copetition of Modeling

the 1st Prize in Provincial Level of the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling

 the Honorable Mention in Zhou Peiyuan National Mechanics Competition for College Students

the Outstanding Award in 13th SWJTU Structure Design Contest

the 1st Prize in Mathematical Contest of SWJTU

the 1st Prize in 5th College Students Extracurricular Innovation Experiment Competition of SWJTU



Qiu Junjie

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist , M.S. Civil Engineering, Structural(3+2 Program), University of Illinois at Urnana-Champaign, Aug 2013-May 2015(expected)

the Maoyisheng Educational Fund National Honorable Award for Undergraduate, the Excellent Graduate of SWJTU, the Pacemaker to Merit Student of SWJTU, the Merit Student of SWJTU, the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU

the Vice-President of Student Union of MYSHC

 the 2nd Prize in the 9th Subei District Mathematical Modelling Contest

the 1st Prize in the Provinical Level of the "FLTRP" National English Speaking Contest

2 Research Projects, Published 1 Paper in SCI



Tu Qiang

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist Majoring in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

the Excellent Graduate of SWJTU, the Pacemaker to Merit Student of SWJTU, the Excellent League Member

the National Scholarship, the National Scholarship for Encouragement, the Principal Scholarship of SWJTU

the 3rd prize in National Contest of Engineering Training for Comprehensive abilities

the 1st prize in the Provinical Level of National Contest of Engineering Training for Comprehensive Abilities

the 3rd prize in provincial level in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest

the 1st prize for Electrical  Product Design Competition of SWJTU

the 1st for Mathematical Contest in Modeling of SWJTU

1 Research Project, Published 1 paper in Journal of national Conference



Wang Jiapei

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Electrical Engineering

the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU, the Merit Student of SWJTU

 the Special Prize Schlarship of SWJTU, The board of directors scholarship of SWJTU

the 1st Prize  in Central China Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition

the 1st Prize in Mathematical Modeling Competition of SWJTU

the 2st Prize in the 5th College Students Extracurricular Innovation Experiment Competiton of SWJTU

 the volunteer for The second ASEM conference of Ministers of transport

the volunteer for CBSA Pool Champion of Champions Women Classic

the volunteer for The Word Snooker International Championship

1 Reaserach Project



Wang Shuhua

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Civil Engineering

 9th SI SHI YANG HUA Medallist, the Excellent Graduate of Sichuan Province, the Merit Student of SWJTU

the National Scholarship, the National Scholarship for Encouragement, the Special Prize Schlarship of SWJTU

the Meritorious Prize in The Mathematic Competition of Modeling

The 2nd prize in The China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling

The 2nd Prize in the 7th "Diangong Cup" Mathematic Modeling held

The 1st prize in provincial level in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest

The 1st prize in the Mechanics Contest of Sichuan province

3 Research Projects, Published 2 papers in EI



Wu Yi

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Rail Vehicle Enigneering

the Comprehensive Quality "A-level Certificate" for the University Student in Sichuan Province, the Excellent Graduate of SWJTU, the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU, the Excellent League Cadre of SWJTU, the Excellent Student Communist Party Member of SWJTU

the Special Prize Schlarship of SWJTU

the Assistant-Chairman of the Student Union of SWJTU, the President of Honors Student Council of MYSHC

the Winner in the 1st College Physics Experiment Competiton, Southwest region

the 3rd prize in the 9th Subei District Mathematical Modelling Contest

the Winner in the Physics Experiment Competition of SWJTU

the 1st Prize in the 5th College Students Extracurricular Innovation Experiment Competiton of SWJTU

the Volunteer for Chengdu Metro

6 Research Projects, Published 1 paper in core periodical & 1 in Journal of national Conference



Yang Hang

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Transportation

the Excellent Graduate of SWJTU,the Merit Student of SWJTU, the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU

the Principal Scholarship of SWJTU

the 3rd Prize in the Provincal Level of National English Contest for College Students

the 3rd Prize in the First Session of TONGYI Translation and Oral Interpretation Test of Sichuan Province

the Winning Prize of Transportation Science and Technology Competition

the 3rd Prize in the Provinical level of the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelinge

4 Research Projects, Published 1paper in core periodical & 1 in ordinary journal



Yang Yang

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Electrical Engineering

the 9th SI SHI YANG HUA Medallist, the Excellent Graduate of Sichuan Province, the Merit Student of SWJTU, the Excellent Student Cadre of SWJTU, the Excellent League Member of SWJTU

the National Scholarship, the Principal Scholarship of SWJTU

Vice-president of the Electronic Science and Technology Association

the Winner in "Renesas cup" National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest

the First Prize in "TI cup" Sichuan Province Electronic Design Contest

the 2nd Prize in the "Challenge Cup" Science and technology invetion competition of Sichuan Province

4 Research Progects



Yu Luhong

the 1st Tang Chen Medallist, Majoring in Transportation

the 9th SI SHI YANG HUA Medallist

the National Scholarship, the Principal Scholarship of SWJTU

the 1st Prize in the 8th National Competition of Transport Science and Technology

the 1st in the 4th National Contest on Logistics Design

the Meritorious Prize in The Mathematic Competition of Modeling

1 Research Project, Published 3 papers



Zhu Kaijun

the 1st Tang Chen MedallistM.S. Civil Engineering, Structural(3+2 Program), University of Illinois at Urnana-Champaign, Aug 2013-May 2015(expected)

the Excellent Graduate of SWJTU, the Pacemaker to Merit Student of SWJTU, the Merit Student of SWJTU,

the National Scholarship, the Principal Scholarship of SWJTU

the Vice-president of League Constuction Center of MYSHC

  the 2nd Prize in the 9th Subei District Mathematical Modelling Contest

the 3rd Prize in the Provincal Level of National English Contest for Coollege Students

3 Research Projects